It came through a dream... Jr Tostoi had the idea to use the name Vulgue Tostoi from an image he saw while dreaming. "I dreamed of this name, VULGUE LED ZEPPELLIN TOSTOI several years ago, and I kept Vulgue Tostoi to be used later." In this interview, Jr. Tostoi (programming, guitar) and Marcello (vocals) tell us a little about the release of their debut CD, Impaciência, and chat with us about other topics.
Edition #5
Rio de Janeiro, 2002

“DKANDLE weaves swirling multi-colored vibrant unearthly soundscapes, blending fuzzy and reverberating Shoegaze textures, mesmerizing Dream Pop meditations, sludgy Grungey tones and moody Post-punk strains, heightened with soul-stirring lyricism and pensive emotive vocalizations”
TRANZINE - Could Vulgue Tostoi be considered a trip-hop band? What are your biggest influences?
JUNIOR - I don't consider us a trip-hop band. If I said that, I'd be closing doors to other influences and thinking "small" like most of the media. We're a rock band that listens to everything and we're always open to new things, not just musically, but in art in general. Life experiences can influence our sound.
MARCELLO - Anyone who listens to the CD will notice that various trends in electronic music sew our work together. Because we're people with very varied musical tastes, it's normal for these influences to blend and result in what Vulgue Tostoi is.
TRANZINE - Which record label did you release your debut CD, "Impaciência", with, and why that title?
JUNIOR - We released it through Net Records after a lot of discussion. We need more people here in Brazil who think differently and really want to make a mark on the market. That's the title of one of our songs that "portrays" all our impatience with the country, but reflected in the arts market.
TRANZINE - What particular shows did you most enjoy playing?
JUNIOR - It was definitely at Abril Pro Rock. A packed house and a wonderful audience eager to discover new sounds. The Ballroom show on the 7th was also great to have done.
MARCELLO - The Abril Pro Rock show was very good and important for us, but the launch show of the "IMPACIÊNCIA" CD was a milestone in Vulgue's history. It was where, after a long time, we were able to put on a complete show artistically, where we could put our ideas into practice and have control over all stages, such as the conception of the stage.
TRANZINE - What was your participation in Lenine's CD? How did the invitation come about?
MARCELLO - We came to Lenine's work through Tom Capone, who was producing "Na Pressão" and introduced Lenine to Vulgue's demo CD. He wanted programming for the song "Relampeando", which is a wonderful song, and we did it. But our conception of programming encompasses more than just the beats themselves, as we enjoy researching different sounds and instruments. We recorded some percussion and Junior recorded some guitars. Lenine liked it a lot, and it stayed on the record, still with Dominguinhos' accordion.
TRANZINE - What do you think of the current funk scene with groups like Tigrões and Popozudas that "dominated" the Brazilian charts?
JUNIOR - I think it's normal. This existed before, and at some point, it was going to explode. Given Brazil's economic situation, I always find it commendable to have new job generators for people who don't have any chance otherwise. Now, if someone doesn't enjoy the music, that's another matter.
MARCELLO - The Rio funk movement is a very old thing, teams like Cashbox and Furacão 2000 have been around for at least ten years. I find it a strange type of sound (in a good way), but with a very unique identity and because it has resisted for so long in a ghetto, independent of media, it has already proven its strength. Now, regarding the lyrics and the sexual appeal, I think it's unfair to crucify funk. This is a problem of Brazil and irresponsible media that limit artistic space in a war for ratings. Unfortunately, obscenities and idiocy get ratings. I think for a long time we will still be the whorehouse of the world.
TRANZINE - Do you think the overall situation would improve if all drugs or only some were industrialized?
MARCELLO - I find the discussion about drugs very complex; certainly getting some things straightened out would help a lot. It's not possible to treat all drugs the same way; maybe more clarity in this conversation would even help reduce usage. The truth is that drugs are a consequence of a series of value distortions. Lack of information, lack of work perspective, the transformation of the human being into a serial number without individuality, and total disregard for childhood, among other causes. Before trying to solve whether to legalize or not, we have a long way of education. What people need is preparation and responsibility to be able to choose between right and wrong.
JUNIOR - In this country, anything is possible. I don't think it's impossible, for example, to "legalize" marijuana. I'm not in favor of legalizing everything here. In Switzerland, where they legalized heroin, with the government always distributing syringes (which still happens today), it didn't "work"... And that's a first-world country... Here we have other more important things to take care of. What's the point of legalizing drugs in a country where the majority of the people have no idea about their rights and can't even communicate properly because they don't have the chance to learn?
TRANZINE - If you were taken to a desert island and could only bring 3 albums, which ones would you bring?
MARCELLO - "Senhas" by Adriana Calcanhoto; "Dark Side of the Moon" by Pink Floyd; "Mezzanine" by Massive Attack.
JUNIOR - That's a tough one. I'd make a compilation on 3 CDs at home, taking advantage of this wonderful and accessible technology.

Photo: Pedro Serra
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next page: DEAD CAN DANCE

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